Playing With Light

Without light, there is no visible form. Without Light, there is no colour.

This project began with an achromatic conceptual study of light as it affects space and form. I then used my white model to apply colour to surfaces. Colour relativity, reflective colour projection and direct colour projection are all factors that make the balancing of colour harmony in space both challenging and rewarding. Every colour (from either pigment or material) changes in relationship to colours next to or surrounding it – and to the light falling upon it. When I worked with colour in space, I was able explore first-hand, the complex interactions of colour dynamics.

WHITE MODEL - Abstract achromatic exploration of how light animates and affects internal spaces and surfaces. Experimentations of light during different times of the day

COLOR MODEL - Apertures direct where light goes. Color is influenced by the dynamic of light and shadow, and is affected by adjacent color relationships in spatial configurations.


Luminary Device


Arc Welding and Bending